Elizabeth Law | Guest Curator
Los Angeles based designer, Elizabeth Law, specializes in residential interiors and exteriors. Her work gracefully juxtaposes antique with contemporary, the indoor with outdoor, and function with comfort. Her style incorporates luxurious textures, handmade furniture, and one-of-a-kind finds. A big believer in the energetic importance of a home well lived in, Law adds her own unique touch to all her projects making them handsomely well rounded. Finding out how the client lives in their home is the first question asked on a site visit. Law, being one who loves to entertain, thinks of function and comfort before all else. She knows that every home tells a story and helps bring them to life.
Photo credit: Emily Knecht

“In a world full of choices and a time of immediacy and repetition, Tappan allows a reprieve from the noise. They help clients hone in on what moves them, inspires them and offers a portal into a world where one can always find something they did not know about and something to add to the collection.”

“I absolutely love this series from Brianna Lance. The ink on paper, the waves, it is quite meditative. The subtle sky and variation in hues is calming against the seascape. These pieces are reminiscent of The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai but rather than feeling like chaos and being amidst a storm, Lance’s work evokes serenity.”On Brianna Lance's Untitled

“I saw these on display in the gallery space and I loved them. The idea of mermaids as a subject was so nostalgic, and while they are playful in color palette, there is also something very sophisticated about them.”On Brittany Ferns' Sirens of the Deep

“This sculpture is packed with personality. It is somewhat abstract, while being voluptuous and female. I love the glaze choice of this green.”On Firoozeh Neman's Minerva

“The mobile installations by Makiewicz I was able to see hanging in the gallery space and they stopped me in my tracks. As someone who is enthralled by the natural, and especially flowers, this really spoke to me. The way that she was able to seamlessly connect the natural plants to man-made metal is fascinating to see up close. This piece is so elegant and beautiful, merging nature with our humanness in a way that is very lovely.”On Karolina Mackiewicz's Lilies

“I love so much of Culver’s work. With this piece in particular, I love the colors and composition. It reminds me of Mattisse’s Cut-Outs.”On Marleigh Culver's LV II