Martinet + Texereau
Drawing & Prints
b. Pauline Martinet b.1987 in Clermont-Ferrand, FR
Zoe Texereau b. 1986 in Pau, FR
Both live and work in Paris, FR
Pauline Martinet and Zoe Texereau make up Martinet + Texereau, the French duo’s collaborative graphite on paper drawings create playful dialogue with the familiar, exploring the simple beauty in ordinary spaces.
“We are not trying to confront nor create a dialog between our separate ways: we want to create a new common one. The discussion is not on paper but beforehand, in the research phase. The drawing is the conclusion. The drawing is no longer spontaneous. There is more chance of freedom during its development. We stand by our established set of rules and this rigorous protocol implies research, sketching and discussion, granting equality in the sense of authorship of the drawing. Beyond the fact of sharing ideas and desires, working in pair is for us a way to get the act of drawing out of its usual solitary imperative, a manner of doing that desecrates the link between the drawing and its craftsman. We like rules, methods, lists. Together our drawings create a non-exhaustive directory of objects, places and architectures that leave us, in their unfulfilled states, the freedom to expand them as we draw. Seriality and repetition are important aspects of our work.”
Pauline Martinet b.1987 in Clermont-Ferrand, FR
Zoe Texereau b. 1986 in Pau, FR
Both live and work in Paris, FR
2020, Coup de soleil, Galerie Provost-Hacker, Lille
2019, A Dess(e)in, Ècole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles
2019, Tout doit disparaître, Galerie Provost_Hacker, Lille
2018, Crac 2018, Champigny-sur-Marne
2017, Parcours d’artiste, Pontault-Combault
2017, Partie de Campagne, Galerie Maria Lund, Chassagne-Montrachet
2016, Fragments, Aldebaran, Castries
2016, Matin Midi Soir, Honoré Visconti, Paris
2016, Dressed up normal, The Tappan Collective, Los Angeles
2016, Traits d’un abri, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
2016, La narration du quotidien, Forum d’architectures, Lausanne
2015, Disparitions, Honoré Visconti, Paris
2014, La petite collection, White Project Galerie, Paris
2014, Entrelacs, Galerie Trois Points, Montréal
2014, Minimenta, Galerie Bertrand Baraudou, Paris
2014, 10 ans, Espace à Vendre, Nice
2014, Sélection, Galerie Bertrand Baraudou, Paris
2013, Drawings by Numbers, Galerie Espace À VENDRE, Nice
2013, Eclectique, Nuit blanche : Hors parcours, Mairie du 11e, Paris
2013, Les oeuvres qui prennent toute la place, Galerie Bertrand Baraudou, Paris
2012, Sois toi même, Be yourself, Galerie Espace À VENDRE, Nice Glissement, Galerie Le Cabinet, Paris
2012, À dessein...les tendances du dessin contemporain, Espace Baudouin, Antony
2020, Fugue, La Villa Rose, Paris
2019, Le beau court la rue, Galerie M, Toulouse
2019, Urba-Graphies, Galerie Netplus, Rennes
2018, Décors, Galerie NMarino, Paris
2018, Los Angeles-Lecture Parallèle, Centre d’art de Montrelais
2017, Bonjour Paresse, Musée de Avelines, Saint-Cloud
2015, L’Éloge de l’ordinaire, Garlerie NMarino, Paris
2014, Midnattssol, BabelKunst, Trondheim, Norvège
2014, Héliotropisme, Galerie Bertrand Baraudou, Paris
2012, Tropiques, Le Garage, Paris
2011, Le fond des choses, Galerie NMarino, Paris
2019, Varda residency, Sausalito
2017, Tappan Collective, Los Angeles
2016, Centre d’Art Aldébaran, Castries
2014, Centre d’Art LKV, Trondheim, Norvège
Common Language 2020
Pli n°5, novembre 2019
A Dess(e)in, octobre 2019
Noto, N°12, novembre 2018
Minus 37, octobre 2018
WERTN, juin 2018
L’éloge de l’ordinaire, catalogue monographique, novembre 2015
Gruppen Sole medere pede ede perede melos, Février 2015
Standard Magazine N°41, Juillet 2014
Arts Hebdo Medias, Mars 2014
Étapes, n° 214, Juille/Août 2013
The Drawer, volume 4 Funny Games, Mars 2013
À Vivre, Mai/Juin 2011
2020, Prix de dessin Pierre David-Weill
2015, Prix de la Fondation Charles Oulmont
2020, Galeristes, Carreau du temple, Paris
2019, Galeristes, Carreau du temple, Paris
2015, Art Basel, W Hotel Beach, The Tappan Collective, Miami
2014, Drawing Now Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris
2013, Drawing Now Salon du dessin contemporain, Paris
2011, Drawing Room, Montpellier, Galerie Aldébaran, Castries
2014 Collection N°1, Les piscines d’hôtels
2010 Dimanches
In the Journal

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